A humongous sale is happening soon!
Hey guys! How's it going? I've got a few things I want to talk to you about today, but first things first: I'm having a big sale! My...
Snow White — Deleted Scene!
Hey guys! Things have been pretty quiet 'round here while I wrangle the new book in my brain, but in the meantime, I wanted to share this...
Have you heard the good news?
Snow White is out now! Super exciting, right? And in honor of the release, I'm hosting a little giveaway. It's not as extravagant as the...
It's #snippetSaturday again!
Another short peek at my upcoming book, Snow White and the Seven Dwarf Planets. Cover reveal coming soon! * * * * * She looked unsure...
Another #snippetSaturday
So, I may have let this slide while the Scavenger Hunt was going on, and I may have totally forgotten to do it last week, but this week...

June 2nd Scavenger Hunt Clue
Today is the last day of the #exSCAVENGERanza! But don't despair, you still have until tomorrow to finish gathering all the clues! I...

June 1st Scavenger Hunt Clue
Today is the next to last day of the #exSCAVENGERanza! I know that might be sad, but it means there are prizes coming! Woohoo!! Today's...

May 31st Scavenger Hunt Clue
I'm hosting again today, because... Why not? I like hosting, too :P If you've been playing along, you may have noticed that the answers...

May 30th Scavenger Hunt Clue
Only a few more days left in the hunt! I hope you're collecting all those keywords if you've missed any! Today's clue is hosted by...

May 29th Scavenger Hunt Clue
Welcome to the last week of the #exSCAVENGERanza! If you're having fun, why not leave me a comment? The more I know people are interested...